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Save the Sea Turtles of Sangalaki!

A successful protection project for sea turtles on the island of Sangalaki, running for over 12 years, was indiscriminately terminated by the local government without any explanation in late 2012. Now, endangered green sea turtle nests are being illegally plundered. Please help with your signature to urge the government to restore the protection programme to its full extent to give this threatened sea turtle population a real chance to survive!

The island of Sangalaki is one of the most important nesting islands of the green sea turtle in Indonesia. However, this population is currently less than 10% of the population 60–70 years ago. This is mainly the result of decades of excessive, professionally organised, and highly profitable collection of eggs from the nesting beaches. Without appropriate conservation measures, the population will be extinct in a few decades.

We are therefore requesting the responsible authorities to regulate the activities of the diving resort so that it neither endangers the nesting sea turtle population nor damages other parts of the ecosystem of Sangalaki.

Please sign this petition to help save the sea turtles of Sangalaki!  HERE

The pettition is addresses to:
General Director for Forest Protection and Nature Conservation (Ministry of Forestry) Mr. Darori Wonosipuro
Director for the Conservation of Biodiversity (Ministry of Forestry) Mr. Novianto Bambang
Director for the Conservation of Areas and Fish Species (Ministry of Marine Affairs) Dr. Toni Ruchimat


Greenturtle laying eggs Image 13


Thank you for your support

Kurt Amsler